Thank you everyone for the great eight months and wonderful end to the school year! It was wonderful to get to know all of you, laugh with you, learn with you a grow with you. I will miss you all. You are all great, wonderful and talented people! Have a fantastic summer and do your best to hit at least a few of the things on the to do list you made :) All the best, Mr. H
Please make sure you have all your school supplies and materials at home for the summer as anything left at school will be put into the lost and found. Reminder tomorrow is a half day! Buses leave the school at 11:20. Lunch is to be had at home. Please still pack a snack our end of year assembly will be at 9:45 tomorrow Morning. -Mr. H
Today we are watching Madagascar and comparing the two communities in it. What is the same? what is different? How do you know? Lets watch and find out!
Madagascar: Comparing Communities
Character One:____________________________________
How they live work and play with others: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Character Two:____________________________________
How they live work and play with others: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Today we are learning about Characters. Characters are the people or in some cases animals in the story! Most stories have someone they are all about this person in called the main character. Characters can be described using descriptive words and are often very different. Characters can also change and learn over the course of a story. Lets think about some of our favorite characters, who is one of your favorites? what are they like? do they learn anything? Now you can make your own for your own story :)
Today you are going to look at your very own community picture and fill in the following. Your job is to look for features first on the picture you have and then fill in the Venn Diagram comparing the picture you have to the community you live in!
My Community Post Card
What do you see in your picture? Write it down under each title.
Today we will be learning about and comparing different communities around the world to one that we live in. We are going to watch a video on different communities around the the world why we do think about….
Think about:
Weather and Temperature
Places in the community
Community Helpers
Now lets compare using a Venn diagram on the whiteboard. With my community, Other communities. And in the middle the same. You can look at things from the movie our your own travels to see what is different or the same!
Today in class you are going to be making your very own probability spinner game with a partner. It needs to use the spinner you are given. Can use any materials in the class to make a game field or board. Be able to have more then one player play it at a time. Have Likely, Unlikely, Certain, and Impossible results. You need to be able to say if it is fair or unfair and why. You will have 15 minutes to make your game and then we will try each others games out!
A setting is where a story takes place. It can change the mood of the story (how we feel during a story, Scared, Happy, Sad etc) It can also change in location or over time. We are now going to watch a quick video on setting and then you will get a chance to make your very own! You will now be making up your own story over the next week but first you must come up with a place for that story to take place.
It needs colour, detail, and labels. You can also draw multiple places if your setting changes either in location or over time.
Today we are going to talk about the Canadian coins and what they are worth.
1 cent
5 cents
10 cents
25 cents
1 dollar
2 dollars
Cents Cents is how we measure any coins that are less then 1 dollar. When you are writing about coins in cents you always write the cents then a c with a line through it. it takes 100 Cents to have one dollar How would I Write 10 cents, 25 cents? 30 cents? Dollars A dollar is worth 100 cents. The symbol for a dollar is an S with a line through it $ When you write one dollar instead of writing $100 cents you can just write $ 1 How many cents is $2?
Today we are going to be learning all about Pulleys! and how they work but lets do a quick review first! What is a machine? What five simple machines have we talked about already?
What do machines do for us? What is a Force? What is a Load?
Used to help lift heavy things!
Has two main parts a rope and wheel. The wheel has a grove for the rope to sit in.
Pull the rope to life the heavy load.
Lets Review! What is the job of a pulley? What are its two main parts? What are some examples of a pulley? An extra video to watch if time
In Health we are going to talk about internet safety! What are some things you can do to be safe on the computer and on the internet? Video time!
True or False? When I read the question raise your hand if you think it is true or false.
1. The Internet can be compared to an explorer’s ship – it is a way to travel around the world, make discoveries, have adventures, and meet new people. But it can be dangerous if you do not use it safely.
2. There are ways to make sure you are always safe on the Internet.
3. On the Internet, anyone could read my messages.
4. Sometimes people send messages to people they don’t really know while playing games on the internet.
5. I should NEVER give out any personal information about me or my family to someone that I do not already know and trust in
real life.
6. All sites are monitored and are therefore appropriate and safe for kids.
7. I should never arrange to meet in person, someone I met online without my parents/guardian permission.
8. On the Internet, always treat everyone with respect.
Now its your turn to make a word web of safe things you can do on the computer! Draw a picture too :)
Today we are going to be learning all about Wedges! and how they work but lets do a quick review first! What is a machine? What four simple machines have we talked about already?
What do machines do for us? What is a Force? What is a Load?
Look like and inclined plane.
Are used to separate or hold together two objects.
Some examples:
An axe is a wedge used to chop – or break – logs into pieces.
A shovel is a wedge used to break up soil.
A knife is a wedge used to cut food or other material.
A push pin or tack is a wedge used to hold papers in place.
A nail is a wedge used to secure two boards together.
A doorstop is a wedge used to hold a door open
Lets Review! What is a wedge? What is it used for? What are some examples of a wedge?
Today we are going to learn all about Teachers! Lets Brainstorm First: What is a teachers job? Where do they work? What equipment do they use? Why are they called a community helper?
Today we are going to be learning all about screws and how they work but lets do a quick review first! What three simple machines have we talked about already? What is an example of each one? What is a Force? What is a Load?
A Screw
A screw is a long thin metal shaft with threads spiraling along its lengths.
It makes rotational (spinning movement) into linear movement (backwards and forewords)
It is a type of fastener.
The closer the threads, the stronger the hold and the more force it takes to put a screw into a material.
Tell me: What is a screw? How does it work? Is it a fastener and why? What are three things screws are used for?
Today we are going to learn all about Mail Carriers! Lets Brainstorm First: What is a Mail Carriers job? Where do they work? What equipment do they use? What information do we need to send a letter? Hint! it is where you live and something you stick! Lets learn about mail carriers :)
Today we are going to be learning all about Levers and how they work but lets do a quick review first! What is an Inclined Plane? What is a Wheel and Axle? What is a Force? What is a Load? What is a Material? What is a Structure? What is a Fastener?
Is a long bar that is balanced on something underneath.
The Fulcrum is the part underneath. By pushing one part of the bar down the other goes up on the fulcrum. The closer the fulcrum is the easier it is to lift the object.
Are used to push heavy loads up and down.
Other objects can be leavers to!
Lets Review! What is a lever? What is a fulcrum? What happens when a lever is moved closer to the load (object) we are trying to lift? What are some other levers? Bonus: Video while we work.
Today we are finishing up our unit on safety. You will each be making your very own poster to display around the school! I also will be marking this poster. First: Let's talk about some safety rules we remember. (think about fire safety, outdoor safety, medicine safety and personal safety) Here is what I am looking for in your posters Safety Poster Design: Slogan or Advice. Full Page of work. Detail: Lots of colour and clear images. Take your time and work independently. Clear safety rule for others to follow.
Today we are going to learn all about Police Officers! Lets Brainstorm First: What is a Police Officers job? Where do they work? What equipment do they use? Now let's watch and see of we were right!
Today we are going to learn all about the wheel and axle! But first a quick review: What is a force? What is a load? What is an Inclined Plane? What is another name for an inclined plane?
Wheels and Axles
When we want to move a heavy object we have to use a lot of force because the object sliding on the ground creates a lot of friction.
Gravity also holds the object down to the earth.
You know what a wheel is. An axle is the bar that goes through the middle of the wheel letting it spin.
This gets the heavy object off the ground meaning less friction! so it is easier to move as less touches the ground.
Lets Review What is a wheel? What is an axle? What makes it hard to move big objects (loads)? Why do wheels and axles make it easier to move loads?