Friday, 23 December 2016

Happy Holidays !

Have a wonderful Holiday Break and I will see you in the new year!

Mr. H

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Gift Day

We finished our holiday gifts today. They will be coming home tomorrow.

Mr. H

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Healthy Food and Holiday Party

Today in class we looked at the four food groups and started making plans for our Holiday Party. To be held on the afternoon of Friday the 23rd. We made plans so that all the food groups were included in our plans for the party. 

Please see the letter that has come home with your child. 

Mr. H

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Christmas Mural

Today in class both the Grade Ones and Twos looked at Christmas. The Grade Ones looked at what communities celebrate it and the Grade Twos looked at how the tradition is celebrated! 

We finished our class by making a class mural and wishing tree. 

Pictures to follow. 

-Mr. H 

Monday, 19 December 2016

Habitats and Air and Water

Grade One: In grade one today we are starting to research our habitats. The students have to pick one animal and then build a habitat for it. Today we reminded ourselves that all habitats need Air, Water, Food and Shelter.  

Our building stars Wednesday please have all of your supplies here then. 

Grade Two: Today we started looking at air and water and what it is. We will be doing some air experiments on Wednesday. 

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Grade 1 Habitats

In Grade One we are starting to make our habitats for an animal we are researching. Please see the letter below. 

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Holiday Frozen Image

Christmas Frozen Picture

Hello parents and guardians,

In class we are working on making Frozen Holiday Pictures leading up to our holiday break.  Over the past few days your child has been working with others in the class to make their photo (frozen picture). They have also been making a list of things that they need to bring in in order to bring the picture to life.  We are asking that they have these props and costumes in by Friday December 16th as this is when we will be making the pictures as a class.

Please ask them if they need to bring in the following:

Special holiday shirts
Fake presents.

Thank you,

Mr. Hussey

Our Recycling Bins

Here are the great recycling bins that the grade two's made!

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Battery Recycling Bins

The grade two's are designing a recycling bin for batteries today.  Here are some examples.

Friday, 9 December 2016

Holiday Images

Image result for family christmas holiday pictures

Image result for hanukkah people playing with a dreidel

Image result for kwanzaa celebrations

Success Criteria:
Frozen picture.

Image result for family holiday card

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Questions for Health- How can we help our famlies

1.  What were some of the jobs/responsibilities you saw in the book? 
2.  Who was doing the jobs? 
3.  Why did mom leave? 
4.  What happened when she left? 
5.  How did the pictures help to tell the story? 
6.  What did dad and the boys learn from this experience?

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Battery Recycling

The Grade Twos Have started to look at how to recycle batteries. They will be coming home tonight and looking for items in the home that run on batteries. A new recycling station will be set up in our class soon!

Image result for classroom battery recycling station

Saturday, 3 December 2016


We started our Crafternoon on Friday! More to come soon :)

To do for Monday


Grade 1:

1. Work signed and returned

2. Interview with families 

Grade 2:

1. Work Signed and returned

2.  Interview with families

3. Photos for timeline

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Roles In our Famlies

The grade one's have been hard at work in social studies looking at the roles our family members play this is the list we came up with today.